Privacy Policy

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We do not share any personal information with any third party at all, and store only customer data relevant to your orders placed on this website.
Why do we do this? Because we think our customers dont like their information shared with marketing and similar companies.
We do need to store some customer information like your name, email and invoice and shipping addresses.
We guarantee this.
Credit cardholder information is not stored in our system.
We use SSL 256-bit encryption throughout the payment process

We do not share any personal information with any third party at all, and store only customer data relevant to your orders placed on this website.

Why do we do this? Because we think our customers dont like their information shared with marketing and similar companies.We do need to store some customer information like your name, email and invoice and shipping addresses.

We guarantee this.

Credit cardholder information is not stored in our system.We use SSL 256-bit encryption throughout the payment process